Why God & Therapy?

Many people have asked me privately about my experience with therapy. Simply put, it changed my life for the better. I experienced trauma that could have crippled my walk with God and in everyday life. Prayer absolutely helped, but I also had to talk to a professional in order to release layers of hurt, fear and bitterness. On Progress On Purpose Podcast, I talk a lot about how it’s helped stabilize my life, including my relationships with my family and friends. I would have been reckless in these streets without it. Yes, me. The girl who was basically born on a pew, knows the word of God fluently and has operated in ministry since the age of 14.
So please understand and hear me when I say this: therapy is life changing. There are decisions we make and actions we take because of past experiences that have the potential to hold us back FROM THE LIFESTYLE GOD WANTS FOR US. It’s up to us to lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily besets us. That’s where therapy comes in.
If you’re reading this and you’re saying to yourself, I don’t need therapy, I go to church or I talk to my friends, please understand the limitations you are putting on yourself. Mental health IS a type of health. So if your foot was broken you would seek medical attention from someone equipped to help you heal. Therapists are trained and ordained to deal with our mental illnesses (can we normalize that in 2021) so we can heal.
I have a resource for you to get started. This is an online therapy platform that matches you with a counselor to best fit your needs. They are available 24/7, and open to people of all ages. Plus, you can save 10% off your first month when you use this link: www.betterhelp.com/pop. I speak with my counselor regularly and it’s been the best decision I’ve ever made.

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