Get Unstuck NOW!

(To listen to the podcast episode on this topic, click here for Episode 28: Get Unstuck)

I know...I know. We get stuck far too often, and for valid reasons. Sometimes we lack confidence, feel like we've lost control, play the blame game, or for another reason, we just don't take action. If you're like me, you seemingly get feel trapped in life circumstances. Often, we are stuck in fear (of failure or success) or because trauma has taught us to be.

My personal experience with church hurt really crippled me, even after I was long gone from that "traumatic place". It spilled into my marriage, and my relationships with people I love. What helped me heal was getting professional help in the specific areas that I needed it most. I couldn't do it on my own, and although my loved ones tried, they were not equipped to. 

Though the healing process still continues, I am so much clearer now. I've learned that getting unstuck takes work! Here's a list of 5 things you can do to get unstuck if you find yourself stagnant or hindered by life's circumstances:


1. Leave - You have to leave physically, emotionally, and/or mentally. This is a conscious decision that must take place before true healing can take place. The longer you stay, the longer you'll be's as simple as that.

2. Deal with the Issue. Seek help when and however often it's needed. You may or may not be able to address it completely on your own. If you don't know where to start, consider using an online counseling service such as to find a licensed professional to talk to. (The link provided is an affiliate link that allows you to get 10% off your first month. I do receive a small commission from this).

3. Guard yourself and watch your triggers. Walls of protection are necessary, but only for people, places and things that don't mean you well. If they make you anxious, it's probably not wise to concern yourself with them until you are fully healed. It's totally ok to build boundaries that help you heal.

4. Start Small. Success will always breed success. As you make moves, you'll also grow, and most likely love the person you are becoming in the process. Explore new avenues of creativity or whatever it takes to get your mojo back. You got this! You were designed to create, so go forth and live your best life!

5. Keep Moving. Now that you've gained momentum, don't stop! Stopping only hinders your progress, and leaves room for regression. Your momentum is to be celebrated by continued momentum. Every single day, do something that makes you happy and makes you feel alive! You deserve it! Before you know it, your trauma will be a memory, and you will no longer be stuck!


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